And it's from this tropical city that the most bizarre public sculpture story comes today.
On Thursday, Sept. 19, a 59 foot high traveling rubber ducky made by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman's arrived and was anchored in Glory Pier in that port. It was greeted by dancing girls in yellow balloon costumes and colorful merrymakers of all ages.
The inflatable yellow duck is traveling around the world gathering fans and kudos wherever it goes. Here, the adorable bird towered over the crowds who came to welcome it yesterday.
(Photo from
Here's where the story gets spectacular.
As of today, a super typhoon named Usagi is headed straight for the duck's tub. The ducky crew knew about the imminent typhoon ahead of time, of course, and plan to deflate and cover it while the storm blows through. All will be, presumably, safe. But as perverse as it might seem, I'd actually love to see that sucker take off and ride the waves all the way to Hong Kong, where an earlier version of the same statue deflated earlier this year.