Wednesday, September 10, 2014


So I am overwhelmed with the number of sculpture stories that are crowding the news these days. Today alone yielded two blockbusters for me...
The new Edgar Allen Poet statue is going up in Boston in a month!
This is the first full statue to go up in the Garden since Nancy Shoen's Make Way for Ducklings went in in 1987. True, there is the 9/11 memorial on the Arlington Street side, but lovely as it is, it's  not an actual statue.
One of the things that fascinates me about the Poe-to-be is its location. It's slated to sit on the corner of the Boyston/Charles Street entrance where, they say, the writer was born. But that's not the first time a writer was slated to sit there.
In the early days of the 20th century, the Burns Society of Boston hired Henry Hudson Kitson, a well-known Boston sculptor, to create a statue of Robert Burns.  They had the blessings of the Arts Commssion initially.
So Kitson made a lovely piece of the poet and his dog for them. But after months of problems with the artist and political maneuvering (Kitson was out of favor with the guys in the commission) the piece ended up in the Fenway in 1920. (It's now in Winthrop Square).
And that, children, is why there was an empty spot to fill in gallery row of the Boston Public Garden.
Here's what the new piece, called Poe Returning to Boston will look like.
 picture from

And  if that weren't enough- watch soon for sensational info on a newly discovered  treasure trove of ancient statues in Greece...

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